2018年10月25日 星期四

[LeetCode] 146. LRU Cache

  • Problem: 實作 LRU Cache data structure and get/put operations
  • Limitation: O(1) time complexity
  • Note:
    • get 與 put 都包含了 find 的 operation, 若需要 O(1), 則需要 hash table (unordered_map)
    • insert 與 pop: 若 insert (push), pop 都是 push / pop back的話, linked list 或是 vector container 都可以達到 O(1) 的 complexity
    • move: 但 LRU 包含了將最近使用的 entry 移動到 begin, 這只有 linked list 能達成
    • 要明確了解 get/put 的動作, e.g. put 若是 put 同樣 key, 不同 value, 則 value 應更新
  • Concept:
    • 較無演算發的要求, 畢竟 LRU 本身就是演算法的概念
    • 相當於在考 data structure design, 可知要實作 hash table 找 entry (key 做 hash, value 為 pointer to cache entry), 並用 linked list 來maintain cache entries (key, value) 的 pair
  • Implementation:
    • class LRUCache {
          LRUCache(int capacity) {
              m_capacity = capacity;
          int get(int key) {
              unordered_map >::iterator>::iterator it = m_hash.find(key);
              if (it != m_hash.cend())
                  // move cache
                  m_cache.splice(m_cache.begin(), m_cache, it->second);
                  it->second = m_cache.begin();
                  return it->second->second;
                  return -1; 
          void put(int key, int value) {
              // 1. find if it alread exists, if yes, move to begin, else insert it
              unordered_map >::iterator>::iterator it = m_hash.find(key);
              if (it != m_hash.cend()) {
                  // move cache
                  m_cache.splice(m_cache.begin(), m_cache, it->second);
                  it->second = m_cache.begin();
                  // Note: this value may differ from original one, we need to update value
                  it->second->second = value;
              } else {
                  // check if size reaches capacity
                  if (m_cache.size() >= m_capacity) {
                      // a. remove cache entry
                      it = m_hash.find(m_cache.back().first);
                      //cout << "m_cache.back().first: " << m_cache.back().first << endl;
                      // b. remove LRU
                  m_cache.emplace(m_cache.begin(), make_pair(key, value));
                  m_hash.insert(make_pair(key, m_cache.begin()));
          // O(1) to move, insert, delete nodes, we need list data structure
          // for the given data, we need a pair to store both key & value
          list< pair > m_cache;
          // max cache size
          int m_capacity;
          // for O(1) to find, we need a hash table which we use map here
          unordered_map >::iterator> m_hash;

